Monday, May 9, 2011

Midwest Premiere, May 12th - The Rich Have Their Own Photographers

Midwest Premiere of the Film - The Rich Have Their Own Photographers

Thursday, May 12 at 7:00 p.m.
Roosevelt University, Gage Gallery, 18 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago

“This is not a good film – It’s a great film. I hope people see it all around the world. This movie could change the world.” -Pete Seeger

“The rich have their own photographers. I photograph the forgotten ones.” -Milton Rogovin

Introduction by Mark Rogovin

As a practicing optometrist, and after an assault by the House Un-American Activities Committee, Milton Rogovin began his second career as a social documentary photographer in 1957. His subjects spanned the Storefront Churches of Buffalo, Pablo Neruda’s Chile, the Family of Miners, Working People, the Yemeni and Native American community and the Lower West Side, a Buffalo neighborhood where Milton Rogovin photographed families for thirty years.
Mark Rogovin was an assistant to Mexican muralist David Alfaro Siqueiros on his last mural, the March of Humanity. He founded the Public Art Workshop, and co-founded the Peace Museum. Mark now heads the Rogovin Collection with a mission to promote the educational use of the social documentary photography of his father, Milton Rogovin.

For more information, contact Professor Erik Gellman at

This event is free and open to the public.

Sponsored by the Roosevelt University Gage Gallery.